Leading us to destruction
Our leaders from the local school districts right up to the Federal government are leading us to destruction because we are too lazy and complacent to stop them. Schools keep saying they need more money to hire more teachers to fix the educational problems. Why do parochial schools achieve higher academic results at a fraction of the public school costs? They say smaller classes are needed. I went through 12 years of Catholic education, and we had 30 to 40 kids in a class, and our education was superior to the public schools. The difference was discipline, and parents who cared. More money isn't the answer.
Our leaders in Washington keep saying that Social Security needs to be fixed, or it will go broke in the future. These leaders and their predecessors are the ones that created the problem, and tell us we need to fix it. Social Security has been running a surplus for years, but politicians have spent it like it was a bottomless pot, leaving only IOU's. The problem is that we the people have to pay back those debts thropugh higher taxes. It's unbelievablethat they have squandered this money, and tell us we have to delay retirement, and take reduced benefits because the system is going broke.
I have an idea! Stop wasting our tax dollars on special interests to buy votes for your next election.
We need to hold our elected officials accountable through our votes. More to come.