Americans need to take back their Schools, Towns and Country
Leading us to destruction
Published on February 1, 2005 By SankeyRevolution In Welcome
Our leaders from the local school districts right up to the Federal government are leading us to destruction because we are too lazy and complacent to stop them. Schools keep saying they need more money to hire more teachers to fix the educational problems. Why do parochial schools achieve higher academic results at a fraction of the public school costs? They say smaller classes are needed. I went through 12 years of Catholic education, and we had 30 to 40 kids in a class, and our education was superior to the public schools. The difference was discipline, and parents who cared. More money isn't the answer.
Our leaders in Washington keep saying that Social Security needs to be fixed, or it will go broke in the future. These leaders and their predecessors are the ones that created the problem, and tell us we need to fix it. Social Security has been running a surplus for years, but politicians have spent it like it was a bottomless pot, leaving only IOU's. The problem is that we the people have to pay back those debts thropugh higher taxes. It's unbelievablethat they have squandered this money, and tell us we have to delay retirement, and take reduced benefits because the system is going broke.
I have an idea! Stop wasting our tax dollars on special interests to buy votes for your next election.
We need to hold our elected officials accountable through our votes. More to come.

on Feb 01, 2005
Go SankeyRevolution... !!!
on Feb 02, 2005
What do you think about the privitization of schools? That way corporate sponsers can etch their slogans and logos into the brains of our children from first grade on. It will be like Pavlov and his dogs! We can rename schools to suit the sponsor, like "Nike Middle School" or "Verizon High".

...But seriously privitization is being considered in so many arenas - correctional facilities, airport security, etc. Would it make that much difference if we had "professionals" handling these facilities? What is your opinion SankeyRevolution??
on Feb 02, 2005
double go!!!!
on Feb 02, 2005
This guy/gal has a point. We already have corporations running the government, privitization would just make it ligit.

Let's hear from you on this one, it's very interesting.
on Feb 02, 2005
This is just a general comment that I have, nothing specific about your revolution, but this blog thing is a good outlet don't you think? But try to make it a positive thing. The internet as a new renaissance, a great new intellectual and cultural movement,
on Feb 04, 2005
Sounds like this guy grew up in the 60's. Hold elections on a more frequent basis, the people need to vote on important matters.
Why would a revolution work this time? Humans are greedy, 5 years after your revoltuion we would have the same problems all over again, don't you think? Power to the people, but we all need to care. Thank god for GW.
on Feb 07, 2005
Don't let this blog die. Where are you SankeyRevolution?

Do you think the President's plan for independent individual social security accounts will be a good thing for the working guy? Or do you think that it will just be beneficial to the upper wage earners who are more familiar with investing?
on Feb 11, 2005
Hi SankeyRevolution, I didn't have a chance to visit your blog this week, and I'm checking in today, but I don't see any new insight from you? I hope all's well in the Revolution. What do you think about all this email that's going around about our Senators and Congressmen not contributing to Social Security? The emails say that they have their own "social security" and that they don't contribute to in from their paychecks, and that when they retire they draw the same pay. I haven't tried to verify this or find more information on this. Have you? Or anyone else out there?
on Feb 11, 2005
This Revolution is unmotivated, only one person seems to care. This is what i'm talking about! How can you really have a revoltion when people really don't care? What happened to the author sankeyrevolution????????????
on Feb 12, 2005
Maybe the SankeyRevolution didn't intend to be a leader but only a signpost to point the revolutionists in the right direction? Is he afraid to face and reply to his public who are interested in his input to the issues? Here is another issue regarding schools: Laura Bush is being called a "Gang Tzar" because she wants to build a stronger, smarter young American Male. I would like to hear SankeyRevolution's opinion on this one! How about we genetically mutate all the little punks and implant some manners and family ethics? Something along the likes of "A Clockwork Orange". I think it might work!!
on Feb 15, 2005
Hi, I like this twisted comment from BlankCzech, very interesting point of view on the Bushs' new gentrification plan for making the world in their image. Nanoo-Nanoo -

And where are all you Revolutionaries?????
on Feb 24, 2005
The revolution is over! What Happened?